Contact Us

Do you have a Greenview business? Click to add your Greenview Business to the Online Directory.

The vitality of your businesses and personal safety & security is utmost important. If you spotted, encountered, or suspected any activities that would impact the integrity of the Greenview Industrial Business Improvement Area, please send us a note immediately through this Incident report.

Share your promotional activities here and we will do our best to amplify them!

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Twitter @greenviewidustr1

Faceboook - Greenview Industrial BIA


Your Representatives

Ward 4 Councillor - Sean Chu
PO BOX 2100. Stn. M. Mail code: 8001, Calgary, AB, T2P2M5, 403.268.3727 | Facebook: Sean Chu Calgary Twitter: @seanchucalgary Website: Ward 4

MLA - Calgary Klein, Jeremy Nixon
201, 1055 - 20 Avenue NW Calgary, AB Canada T2M 1E7, 403.216.5430 | Facebook: Jeremy Nixon Website: Calgary Klein

MP - Calgary Confederation, Len Webber
2020 - 10th Street NW Calgary, Alberta T2M 3M2, 403.220.0888 | Facebook: Lenwebberyyc Instagram: lenwebbermp Website: Calgary Confederation

Greenview Industrial BIA

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